Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Forestry Issues Getting Big Focus at Copenhagen - Developed Countries Failing

Whether or not developed countries will account for increased logging emissions in the next climate agreement has become a big focus of these talks. This is the reason I am still sitting up past midnight with watery eyes!

The issue exploded when the European Union surprised everyone with the submission on forest management. They spurned the idea of accounting for actual changes in emissions from a historical level. People expect more of these climate change leaders.

Sweden, Finland and Austria have taken much of the heat so far because they are perceived to be the driving forces behind the bad position. But other countries like Canada, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Japan are being very bad too.

Whether or not this gets snatched from the coals of the fire depends almost entirely on the political pressure gets applied in the next couple of days.

Stay posted for updates and analysis.

1 comment:

Jim Bouldin said...

How much time do you have to answer questions here Chris? Undoubtedly you're very busy right now. Saw your presentation at the CAN press conference earlier--well done.