Thursday, December 10, 2009

Logging Loopholes Big Enough To Drive A Logging Truck Through!!

The Logging Loophole: Developed countries want to be able to increase their logging emissions and not account for it. This weakens their overall emission reduction target - whatever countries say their targets are, they will actually be smaller because they are hiding these logging emissions from the accounts. A team of analysists working with me within the Working Group of the Climate Action Network estimate that this loophole is about the size of the total emission reduction targets of the current Kyoto Protocol! It's big (so are logging trucks)!


Jill said...

way to go Chris!

Trevor Hesselink said...

Nice, keep up the good work Chris!

Unknown said...

Good job Chris. Thanks for your strong efforts.

briony said...

HI Chris,

Great work. You might want to add that on a regional basis, the emissions from logging in British Columbia are more like 50% of overall emissions so we can drive a convoy of logging trucks through the loophole.

Jonah said...

Good reaad