Friday, August 29, 2008

Accra Climate Change Talks Wrap Up

The Accra Climate Change Talks wrapped up Thursday afternoon. The forestry negotiations had finished the day before with a set of four options for rule changes that will be further discussed in Poznan in December. Parties will also be making submissions before this, offering views and information on these options. I will write a follow-up blog with some thoughts of my own.

In the last day of the conference, many delegates were offering positive feedback on the CAN discussion paper CAN released at the conference. I look forward to some more constructive input and dialogue in the months to come.

On a sad note, I have just learned that Bernard Schlamadinger, the leading thinker on LULUCF has just passed away. My heartfelt condolences go to his family and friends. I knew Bernhard for only a short time, but he was a friendly and excited man who mentored and encouraged me. I will miss him.

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