Friday, August 1, 2008

Forest Degradation in Tasmania, Australia

No big news on forests and climate change on this long weekend Friday afternoon, but here is a link to a short video done by The Wilderness Society (TWS) in Australia showing shocking forestry approaches there.

Tasmania allows the clearcutting and burning of native forests that TWS believes to be the most carbon-rich on the planet so that they can be replaced with plantation seedlings - mostly for wood chips!

Because of loopholes in the current rules governing forest carbon accounting under the Kyoto Protocol, this counts as a zero-emission activity because:
1) The new plantation is defined as "forest," so this is not considered deforestation (an activity that must be accounted for under Kyoto);
2) Accounting for carbon losses from forest management is voluntary, and Australia has elected not to account for it (so has Canada)!

Photo credit: The Wilderness Society

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